Happy New Year? New Year’s doesn’t feel like much when you go to bed at 10:30pm on NYE, but I understand the allure. I don’t usually to make resolutions because I don’t stick to them, so why set myself up for disappointment? But, this year is gonna be different, in many ways. I will finish my book about having a baby/the pandemic/relationship stuff (the first draft was turned in December 20th!) and I’ll be embarking on a new project that I’ll be posting about here as soon as I can. (that means more diary comics that are probably more about me/travel and less about home life, maybe??) I’ll be traveling for work a lot, so if you’re in LA or NYC, heads up, I’m comin’ to ya! I’m gonna try to organize events (like readings) during my travels so keep an eye out.
A note to patrons on my Patreon: I know I’ve said it before but I really really REALLY appreciate you all here on Patreon. It’s no secret that a career in comics is financially challenging. Even if things look “successful” on paper, the money doesn’t match. It’s a tough, fairly niche industry, but I love it and can’t do anything else, and also I really couldn’t do it without your guys support. Last year there was a month where I couldn’t pay Felix’s daycare bill and I panicked until I remembered Patreon was gonna send some money, and the bill was covered. That was you guys! so thank you!
But, that said, I also understand times are tough, a lot of people are nervous about money this year, (I am!) and if you need to end your patronage, please know I fully understand. I never want anyone to feel beholden in any way. The structure of Patreon intentionally makes you feel bad about leaving people, I know. I’ve had to do it. But please know I fully understand. And for those who stay with me this year, I appreciate you and I’ll be posting more diary comics and I might try posting some essays here this year? I want to participate more with my readers, whatever form that might take. We’ll see! Happy New Year!
PS: A question about substack/newsletters, if you wanna chime in, I’d love to hear your opinion, leave it in the comments!
For those of you who have and or subscribe to newsletters- what are you thoughts on them? Worth it? Annoying to get in your email? Better or worse than patreon? Or is a combo of both the way to go? Like most “creatives” online, I’m scrambling to figure out how branch out as corners of the internet shrivel up. Any/all input is appreciated!