April 19th, Saturday, 12pm-4pm at the Schulz Museum for the Cartoon-a-thon with other local cartoonists. SANTA ROSA, CA

April 26, Saturday: I’m a special guest at the Peninsula Library Comic Con. I’ll be tabling with local cartoonists, and doing a spotlight panel (times TB). SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA

May 8th, Thursday: In celebration of the paperback release of Tenements, Towers & Trash, Roz Chast and I will be talking at Rizzoli Books. NEW YORK CITY, NY

May 17th, Saturday: Napa Library Comic Con: I’ll be selling/signing books and merch at my hometown library from 11-2pm, come say hi! NAPA, CA

June 13th, Friday. I’m a special guest at the Madrid Book Fair! I’ll be talking at 7:00 PM in the Fair’s Main Pavilion, signing info TBD. MADRID, SPAIN

July- San Diego Comic Con? at this time this is a big maybe. Details TBD. SAN DIEGO, CA

September 27th, Saturday: Special guest at the Ann Arbor Comic Arts Festival! details TBD. ANN ARBOR, MI

If you’re an event organizer for a festival, convention, bookstore, etc, and would like me to attend and/or do an event, I always say yes if I can! Email me at juliajwertz (at) gmail (dot) com